Manning Adventist Bush School aims to provide families with the opportunity to have their children educated in a dynamic, Christ-centred learning environment, from Pre-Kindy to Year 6.
Our Mission is to provide a caring, nurturing environment where students are educated for a life of service to both God and the community. An holistic education that includes the academic, spiritual, social and emotional development of each child.
Our vision
“Nurture for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Character for Eternity”
Our values
We value relationships
All people are treated fairly, with respect, kindness, care and compassion.
We appreciate diversity
Understanding, tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion are our practice.
We act with integrity
Ethical behaviour is upheld. With responsibility, accountability, and honesty we acknowledge the rights of all.
We engage in service
We seek to develop good citizenship and serve our community.
We encourage achievement
Perseverance, initiative, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence are affirmed. Scholarship is prized.
We celebrate Christianity
We aim to model the love of God in the practice of Christian life.